Who am I?

I am an artist who performs art on programming, computer science, music, GameDev, drawing, CG, and literature.

|| Telegram: t.me/idoleat
|| Personal Site: taiker.tw (github page is only for testing and backing up :D)

不喜歡吃薑絲/苦瓜/炒芹菜 | 不喜歡裝手機殼 | IQ在0與200之間浮動 | 不用睡覺是最大願望 | 不睡覺不假外力,如果會睡著代表你對清醒不夠堅持 | 拖延症患者 | 講話口齒不清 | 記得任何事情,也會忘記任何事情

Courtesy · Courtesy - Hör (Berlin) May 20
fun facts:
I made some stupid stuff:
比較正常版wHo aM i